Graphic Design and Moviemaking for Authentic Personalized Assessments
Friday, July 23 • 3:15pm - 4:00pm
In this session we will look at 4 different tools that alllow students (and teachers) to create amazing graphics, movies, and more. These super cool tools give teachers free accounts that businesses pay big money for. We will play with Canva, MySimpleShow, and AdobeSpark to see how easy they really are, then I will show how I have used them in Math, SS, and Science classes, and finally we will work together to develop ideas for using these tools in your classrooms. You do not have to be an expert in tech or design to make amazing products and use the tools with students, come see how!
Engagement is the question...Maker is the answer
Saturday, July 24 • 10:15am - 11:00am
In this session we will look at how teachers can increase engagement in the classroom, whether you are remote, hybrid, in person or a little bit of all. No matter what grade level, what subject, and what topic, including maker allows students to take charge, increases creativity, and levels up the engagement. In ELA, students can build the setting of a story, in Social Studies, they can create models of maps, in Math they can build story problems, in Science they can make models of body systems. By creating these models students are showing what they know and going deeper to teach others what they have learned. In this session we will brainstorm together the different ways to bring MAKER into your class, we will view examples from my Social Studies/STEAM/Math classes, and even do a sample project of our own.
Maker card suggestions |
Teaching teachers/admin about MAKER Jigsaw
STEAM and Literacy ideas
Social Studies and MAKER
MAKER presentation CCL
Iggy Peck Architect
Ecosystems self-study
13 Colonies Maker |
Spanish Missions MAKER |
General MAKER directions |
Maker videos for inspiration |